The Ultimate Shopify SEO Guide: How to Rank Your Shopify Store

28 May

SEO is complex and can seem intimidating at first, but it doesn’t have to be that way! In this article, we’ll show you the best Shopify SEO tips on how to set up your store so that it ranks higher in search results and brings in more customers. We’ll also tell you about some strategies to avoid, because they can actually hurt your ranking!

Step 1 – Research your competitors

The first step in Shopify SEO Guide is to do researching your competitors. Check out the search engine results page (SERP) and see which competing products are ranking. Make a list of what they have that yours doesn’t. And research the benefit of those features – can you improve them? Can you find some way to incorporate these features into your store without losing your current USP?

Step 2 – Dominate Google search results

Now that you’ve made sure your store is fully optimized and ready to engage shoppers. it’s time to really start optimizing your site for search engines. If you’ve made it this far in the process, congratulations! Now all you need to do is follow these best practices for an ultimate Shopify SEO Guide.

Step 3 – Optimize your product pages

One of the best ways to rank your product pages is by targeting key phrases in your page title, headings, and meta description. This helps ensure that when people search for specific products or services on Google, you’re as close as possible to the top results.

Step 4.0 – Write compelling descriptions

Here are some tips for crafting the perfect descriptions on your products pages in order to attract more customers.

Be informative – Adding information about the size, care instructions, or any other pertinent details will give shoppers something more. But not just a photo and title, might help you convert shoppers who were only looking for a casual browse.

Step 5.0 – Promote your brand on social media

Your social media audience already interested in what you have to say, so it’s important to let them know about the things you post. When sharing new content on social media, mention the post title and let people know they can find more details on your website. For example, This month we shared an awesome guide on how to rank your Shopify store – check it out here. It doesn’t matter which channel you choose as long as you consistently promote and publish content that your followers will be interested in.