5 Reasons Your Store Needs an eCommerce Mobile App

18 May

More than 50% of Americans own smartphones, and the number continues to rise. As more and more people shop on their phones, your store should make it easy for customers to do so on your website or online storefront by developing an eCommerce mobile app. Here are 5 reasons why you should develop an eCommerce mobile app if you don’t already have one. Read on to learn more!

1) To increase online sales

An eCommerce mobile app can help increase online sales in a number of ways. First, it makes it easier for customers to purchase your products or services on the go. Second, it allows you to push notifications about sales and promotions directly to customers’ phones. Third, an app can help you build a loyalty program to encourage repeat business. Fourth, an app can make it easy for customers to leave reviews and feedback. Finally, an app can help you collect data about your customers’ preferences and behaviors.

2) To boost conversion rates

An eCommerce mobile app can help boost your store’s conversion rates in several ways. First, it can make the buying process faster and more convenient for customers. Second, it can give you a way to offer loyalty rewards and discounts that encourage customers to buy more. Third, it can help you build a better relationship with your customers by providing them with a more personal shopping experience. Fourth, it can allow you to collect data about your customers’ buying habits that can be used to improve your marketing and sales strategies.

3) To track ROI

An eCommerce mobile app can help you track your return on investment in a number of ways. First, it can help you track how much time and money you’re spending on marketing and advertising. Next, the ROI will depend on the effectiveness of your store’s customer service and mobile features. The last way to measure ROI is by looking at sales from customers who are new to your brand. If they’re using their phones to buy from you for the first time, then there’s a good chance that they were reached through one of your online ads or social media posts, and that means that some portion of those sales are thanks to your mobile strategy!

4) To engage customers more deeply

There are many benefits to having a mobile app for your store, but perhaps the most important is that it helps you engage your customers more deeply. With a mobile app, you can offer loyalty programs, send push notifications, and collect customer data. And if you’re using Magento or Shopify, there’s no need to worry about designing a custom app because both platforms have robust features for building apps on their platform.

5) To grow your business with less hassle

Having a mobile app for your store will let you take your business to the next level with less hassle. You’ll be able to better engage your customers, reach new markets, and streamline your operations. There are five reasons why having an eCommerce mobile app is essential to your success:

Higher conversion rates- With more than 3 billion people owning smartphones, it’s clear that they’re important enough to incorporate into any retail strategy. The easiest way to increase conversions is by getting more people on your site through the use of digital marketing channels such as Facebook ads or Google Adwords campaigns. But these don’t work well when someone needs to type in their email address or ZIP code.