5 Tips for Planning & Writing Shopify Store Content

27 May

Writing content for your Shopify store isn’t necessarily the easiest task, especially if you don’t know where to start or how to make it engaging enough to persuade people to buy your products or services. The most important thing when it comes to store content is that it’s geared towards your audience, not just in the industry you specialize in, but also with their needs and wants in mind. Once you know what those are, planning and writing engaging Shopify store content shouldn’t be difficult at all! Here are five tips to help you along the way.

1) Start by setting the right expectations

If you have a business online, blog content is one of the most important components to building your community and getting people excited about what you do. In this blog post, we’ll provide 5 tips for planning and writing engaging blog content for your Shopify store.

Consider Your Audience – Let’s start with an easy one. Before diving into the specifics of blogging, consider your audience. For example, if your niche is selling pet toys then avoid rambling on about human kids toys.

2) Set a schedule

It’s important to post regularly on your site to establish your credibility and ensure you can continue to grow traffic, leads, and revenue. You should have a dedicated time slot each day or at least every other day that is solely devoted to writing blog content. Plan out the timing of the posts beforehand so they are easily scheduled in advance. For example, let’s say you want to publish posts every Tuesday at 12pm EST.

3) Come up with ideas on your own

If you have a brand or shop on the popular eCommerce platform, starting a blog to create content for your store is important. If you are new to creating content, here are some tips that will help:

1) What do your customers care about? Your customers want to know why they should buy from you and what makes your products or services special. Answer these questions in your posts.

2) Offer quality content.

4) Tap into your customers’ psyche

When your blog content is geared towards your customers, they’ll be more likely to read and be interested in it. This not only keeps them engaged with you, but also with their own personal goals. Providing them with helpful tips and tricks will allow them to feel inspired as well.

5) Show, don’t tell!

As a business owner, you know that there are many different aspects of your business to manage. That’s why it’s important to build your brand and create engaging content on all of your social media platforms to not only engage with potential and current customers, but also attract new ones!