Choose Flutter for Your Project: 5 Reasons Why

31 May

Flutter is an open-source mobile app SDK developed by Google to help developers build native iOS and Android apps using the same codebase. If you’re developing applications or projects on either platform, there are good reasons why you should consider using Flutter instead of the other available options. Here are five of them in no particular order.

1) Cross-platform

Flutter is Google’s mobile app SDK, a well-designed cross-platform solution that dramatically reduces the amount of time and engineering resources you need to deliver an app. With native rendering on Android and iOS, you can reach your customer no matter what they’re using with your content.

2) Speed of Development

Flutter is fast to learn. The framework is both powerful and easy to master, since it utilizes a simplified version of the Dart programming language. It’s easy to build prototypes or production-ready mobile apps with a codebase that is consistent across platforms.

3) One Codebase

You’ll have to write one codebase, not two or three. This may not seem like a big deal, but this gives you more control over design and development and makes it possible to scale to an app across iOS, Android, and the web. It also means one fewer code base for your team to maintain!

4) Google Adoption

Google has been using the Dart programming language to create a new app called Flutter that enables developers to use the same code to build apps for both Android and iOS.

##Dart Programming Language

The Dart programming language features smooth running on all modern web browsers, improved security, and faster loading.

5) Customization

Flutter is really customizable. The framework includes a number of widgets that can be easily mixed and matched to build apps for all platforms, including Android, iOS, and even Apple Watch and TV. There’s no need to learn multiple coding languages because you’ll be able to write once and export your app as desired (or use the Widgets Catalog on the site). It also comes with POCO libraries so it’s easy to create your own UI elements.