Progressive Web App – How to Create a Progressive Web App with React

4 May


A Progressive Web App (PWA) uses modern web capabilities to deliver an app-like user experience. PWAs combine the best of the web and the best of apps. They are fast, reliable, and engaging. In this blog post, we will show you how to create a Progressive Web App using React.


A progressive web app is a type of web application that uses modern web technologies to deliver an app-like user experience. React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces and that is most popular to build progressive web apps. In this blog post, we’ll show you how to create a progressive web app using React.

The Problem

You want to create a progressive web app, but you’re not sure where to start. You’ve heard that React is a good option for creating PWAs, but you’re not sure how to use it. Don’t worry, we’ll show you how!
The first step is to install Node and npm on your computer. Then install the following modules: react-dom , react-router , and react-redux . Then, open up your text editor and create a new file called index.jsx in the root directory of your project folder.

The Solution

A progressive web app is a type of application that uses modern web technologies to deliver an app-like user experience. They are fast, reliable, and engaging. To make them convenient to access, they have added to the home screen of a user’s device. Creating a progressive web app with React is simple and efficient. In this guide, we’ll show you how to do it.

Build PWA with React

You can use React to create a Progressive Web App (PWA). A PWA is a web application that uses modern web technologies to provide a user experience similar to that of a native app. In order to create a React-based PWA, you will need to use some additional libraries and tools. However, the process is relatively simple and easly to complete in just a few steps.

Start by using npm to install React. Next, install react-native-web with yarn or npm. React Native Web allows React components to run as standalone Node applications without compiled into Android or iOS apps first. Lastly, install react-native’s Command Line Interface (CLI) globally so it is accessible from anywhere on your computer using npm install -g react-native-cli; this instals an executable named react-native which can be used to generate assets for your Progressive Web App such as icons and splash screens. Now that all the necessary software has been installed it’s time to get started building!

In Conclusion

A progressive web app is a type of web application that uses modern web technologies to deliver an app-like user experience. They are fast, reliable, and engaging. In this post, we’ve covered how to create a progressive web app using React. Thanks for reading!